Kilka dni temu wykryto pierwszy prawdziwie poważny atak na iOS-a – dokonali tego chińscy developerzy iOS i opublikowali swoje wyniki na Weibo. Do ataku wykorzystano własne IDE Apple’a – Xcode.
Apple opublikowało FAQ na temat XcodeGhost →
24 września 2015 · 21:26
We have no information to suggest that the malware has been used to do anything malicious or that this exploit would have delivered any personally identifiable information had it been used.
We’re not aware of personally identifiable customer data being impacted and the code also did not have the ability to request customer credentials to gain iCloud and other service passwords.
As soon as we recognized these apps were using potentially malicious code we took them down. Developers are quickly updating their apps for users.
Malicious code could only have been able to deliver some general information such as the apps and general system information.