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Producenci smartfonów z Androidem śpieszą się z patchem do Stagefrighta →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 0 comments

Russell Brandom:

The bug allows an attacker to remotely execute code through a phony multimedia text message, in many cases without the user even seeing the message itself. Google has had months to write a patch and already had one ready when the bug was announced, but as expected, getting the patch through manufacturers and carriers was complicated and difficult.

But then, something unexpected happened: the much-maligned Android update system started to work. Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony and Android One have already announced pending patches for the bug, along with a device-specific patch for the Alcatel Idol 3. In Samsung’s case, the shift has kicked off an aggressive new security policy that will deploy patches month by month, an example that’s expected to inspire other manufacturers to follow suit. Google has announced a similar program for its own Nexus phones. Stagefright seems to have scared manufacturers and carriers into action, and as it turns out, this fragmented ecosystem still has lots of ways to protect itself.

Zamiast miesięcy to kilka tygodni, ale lepiej to niż nie łatanie dziury w ogóle. Mam wrażenie, że w końcu poczuli presję, a to powinno wyjść na dobre końcowym userom. Nadal jednak uważam, że Google powinien z kręgu zainteresowanych wywalić w cholerę operatorów i producentów, i dostarczać tylko czystego Androida z opcją wprowadzania nakładek oraz bloatware’u jako aplikacji przez Google Play.

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