Nick Wingfield:
In a recent interview, Mr. Nadella, 47, said he and the company had learned from its past mistakes. His Microsoft understands, he says, the discipline needed to build products that look and feel polished. Every part, from hardware to software to online services, must work in harmony.
“One lesson learned is you’ve got to finish the scenario with excellence,” said Mr. Nadella, who speaks in verbal arpeggios, emphasizing points with octave-leaping sentences. “You just cannot stop. You have to complete this, and I think that’s where Apple has taught us all what experience excellence means in the creation of categories.”
Mam wrażenie, że Microsoft pod kontrolą Satyi ma kolorową przyszłość, a obrany przez niego kierunek wydaje się znacznie bardziej przyszłościowy niż Ballmerowy. Jeszcze sporo brakuje do dobrego UX, ale kto wie co będzie za kilka lat…
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