Dean Holland:
I’m a professional photographer, and I recently spent two weeks in Vietnam shooting just with an iPhone. Nothing else. Just the phone.
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Using a phone camera freed-up my head. No settings to fuss over, no gear to shepherd. It became about seeing pictures, rather than creating pictures. When I saw good things, I got good pictures. When I didn’t, there was no technical wizardry to save the day.
Też na to zwróciłem uwagę jak zostawiam D700 w domu – iPhone po prostu pozwala patrzeć i widzieć.
Before leaving, I compared the same photos on my phone’s screen to a calibrated accurate screen; my iPhone screen was close enough for non-critical work, but just fractionally brighter. That meant that if I edited photos to make them look perfect on the phone’s screen, they would print just a little too dark. The difference was slight enough that just remembering to make photos look a little brighter than normal on the phone’s screen gave me prints that I was happy with.
To jedna z najważniejszych cech iPhone’a, dla osób z wymaganiami – ich ekrany, zresztą podobnie jak w iPadach, są po prostu świetne. Polecam przeczytać całość. Nie dość, że mnie użyte przez Deana aplikacje mnie zadziwiły, to wnioski na koniec artykułu były jeszcze bardziej zaskakujące.
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