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Porównanie aparatów w iPhone 4S i 5 →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 2 komentarze

Leanna Lofte:

As you can see, there isn’t that big of a difference between the cameras on the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. There is improvements to the iPhone 5’s camera, but if you were wondering if you should upgrade because of the camera, the answer is definitely no. However, if you want a thinner phone that still takes great photos, if you want a better screen that gives a more accurate representation of your photos, if you want the ability to take photos while shooting video, then taken together, the answer could very well change to yes.

4S to nadal świetny telefon i gdybym był zwykłym userem to prawdopodobnie pozostałbym przy nim na kolejny rok.

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