Mark Rogowsky:
First, we heard “good news” from Nokia, which reported shipments of 4.4 million Lumia phones in the year-end quarter. Never mind that we are talking less than 2 percent market share for Nokia or that sales were boosted by heavy discounting, often down to $99 at retail — less than half what competing phones sell for. This is good news in the land of Nokia. It might not be repeatable as the Windows Phone platform has yet to prove especially popular, but was unequivocally spun as a positive pretty much everywhere it was reported.
Similarly, Cnet was very excited about Samsung’s announcement that the Galaxy S phone line had crossed the 100 million mark in total sales. The phone is so desirable, “Sales of the flagship Galaxy S3 reached 30 million units in 5 months, and 40 million in 7 months, with average daily sales of about 190,000 units.” You’d think that it’s the hottest thing going with those numbers. Of course, as we were just discussing above, in the quarter just ended, Apple will have sold about as many iPhone 5′s as Samsung has sold Galaxy S3′s in 7 months! This is what the “experts” are already calling trouble and they haven’t seen the numbers yet.
Duże liczby brzmią świetnie, dopóki nie zestawi się ich z jeszcze większymi. 40 milionów Galaxy S3 w 7 miesięcy? Super! Apple tyle iPhone’ów sprzedaje w trzy.
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