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· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 0 comments

Adam Marelli:

Photographing strangers can be a daunting proposition. It was one of the focuses of the workshops I held in NYC this past summer. What if they get mad, what if they yell at me, or what if they go completely psycho on me? Odds are, most people will simply say no pictures. Even the school of Bruce Gilden photographers have hardly been bothered with their “mugging style portrait.”

For all the threats I read on websites, no one has punched out Charlie Kirk or Eric Kim. Keyboard warriors are much more violent than the real thing. This is not to say there are some certifiable lunatics out there, but the odds are pretty slim that someone will do anything more than turn away or say “don’t take my picture.”

Osobiście mam z tym ogromny problem, ale przez ostatnie parę lat odkryłem, że szczery uśmiech to połowa sukcesu. Druga połowa to zapytanie się, bez brzmienia jak skończony debil, czy możesz zrobić zdjęcie. Odmowę usłyszałem jedynie w Kenii

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