Tom Warren:
Lenovo calls its new Ideapad Miix 700 „recognizably different” with a „progressive design,” but it’s hard to see it as anything but a Microsoft Surface clone.
„Rozpoznawalnie inny”… yeeeeeaaaahhhh, riiiiiggghhht.
Jeśli chcecie mnie wesprzeć to zapraszam do kupna mojego poradnika "Jakim jesteś Makiem?".
2 września 2015 · 20:28 · Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 1 Comment
Tom Warren:
Lenovo calls its new Ideapad Miix 700 „recognizably different” with a „progressive design,” but it’s hard to see it as anything but a Microsoft Surface clone.
„Rozpoznawalnie inny”… yeeeeeaaaahhhh, riiiiiggghhht.
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