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Adobe podwaja prace nad Lightroomem i Creative Cloud Photography Program →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 7 komentarzy

Winston Hendrickson, Vice President of Products w Adobe:

Put simply we’re doubling down on our investments in Lightroom and the new Creative Cloud Photography plan and you can expect to see a rich roadmap of rapid innovation for desktop, web and device workflows in the coming weeks, months and years. We also continue to invest actively on the iOS and OSX platforms, and are committed to helping interested iPhoto and Aperture customers migrate to our rich solution across desktop, device and web workflows.

To świetna wiadomość. Korzystam z LR od wersji 1.0 i zawsze miał funkcje, które wynosiły go ponad Aperture. Wygląda na to, że będę jeszcze długo z niego korzystał.

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