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Bug na Facebooku ujawnia dane 6 milionów użytkowników →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 0 comments

We’ve concluded that approximately 6 million Facebook users had email addresses or telephone numbers shared. There were other email addresses or telephone numbers included in the downloads, but they were not connected to any Facebook users or even names of individuals. For almost all of the email addresses or telephone numbers impacted, each individual email address or telephone number was only included in a download once or twice. This means, in almost all cases, an email address or telephone number was only exposed to one person.

Nie jest to jakaś tragedia, ale jest to świetny przykład dlaczego nie powinniście w internecie żadnych informacji, których nie chcecie ujawnić. Dotyczy to absolutnie każdego serwisu, chmury, „dysku” i czegokolwiek innego.

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