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Facebook tworzy własnego „Readera” →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 0 comments

Evelyn M. Rusli:

Facebook Inc. is aiming to become a newspaper for mobile devices.

The social network has been quietly working on a service, internally called Reader, that displays content from Facebook users and publishers in a new visual format tailored for mobile devices, people with knowledge of the matter said.

The project, which the company has been developing for more than a year, is designed to showcase news content in particular. Recent versions of Reader resemble Flipboard Inc., a smartphone and tablet app that aggregates stories from multiple sources and lets users swipe to flip through articles, said the people with knowledge of the project.

W tej chwili nad podobnymi projektami pracuje Digg i AOL. Feedly jest już gotowe. Wybrałem ten ostatni i nie przewiduję żadnych zmian. Jest wsparcie dla IFTTT, a mobilne aplikacje mi bardzo odpowiadają — korzystam z nich już zresztą dłuższą chwilę.

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