Chris De Jabet:
I love Twitter. Most of my friends over the past few years, both local and afar, started as acquaintances on Twitter. For the years that I have been on Twitter there is one app that I have used primarily to interact with the service — Twitterrific.
Twitterrific has had a mixed past. It started as simple as Twitter itself, and contributed some features back to Twitter that we all take for granted now. While Twitterrific’s roots are on the Mac, it is the iPhone, and later the iPad, where its story really takes flight.
Bardzo szczegółowa recenzja dla osób, które nie „czują” Tweetbota i szukają alternatywy. Twitterrific nie ma klienta (aktualnego w najnowszej wersji z tą samą funkcjonalnością co w iOS) dla OS X, ale wersje na iOS mają sync po iCloud i Tweet Marker oraz push. Brakuje jedynie streamingu …
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