Dan Moren & Lex Friedman:
Even if you, like us, would almost never receive a legitimate email with such a phrase, this could still be problematic. For example, had you emailed someone about the fact that Apple blocks emails with the phrase “barely legal teens,” that email would itself never arrive. And if, as with the person who originally reported the issue to Infoworld, you were attaching a work of fiction with such a phrase, that too would be blocked.
Apple odpowiada:
“Occasionally, automated spam filters may incorrectly block legitimate email. If the customer feels that a legitimate message is blocked, we encourage customers to report it to AppleCare.”
Ten problem, przynajmniej na ile mi wiadomo, jeszcze mnie nie spotkał, ale stawia to cały sens polegania na Mail w iCloud pod znakiem zapytania – po prostu nie mamy pojęcia co jeszcze mogą ewentualnie filtrować.
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