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Apple powinno być bardziej otwarte na tematy bezpieczeństwa →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 0 comments

Matthew Panzarino na łamach TechCrunch:

Apple thinks about security communications in the same way that it thinks about product communications. In other words, it plays its cards incredibly close to the chest at all times by default. These tactics have served it well in the consumer products arena, creating a frenzy of attention around the releases of new devices and services. And that’s great; I don’t mind a little mystery around products as a consumer, even though my job as a reporter is to figure out what Apple could do next and decide whether that’s important enough to talk about publicly.

But in security, this kind of ivory tower comms strategy is a losing game, especially as smartphones become an increasingly information-rich repository of our personal lives. Security will become a feature that is as important as any other widget on our future devices, whichever company they come from. As an industry leader, Apple should re-evaluate the way that it handles security, both internally and externally. Be open, be communicative, be honest and we’ll all be better off.

Wielokrotnie to powtarzałem i zgadzam się (prawie) w pełni z Matthew – Apple powinno inaczej podchodzić do kwestii bezpieczeństwo i komunikacji w tym względzie niż w sprawie pozostałych swoich działów, którymi zajmuje się ich PR. Patrząc na stosunkowo szybką reakcję dwa dni temu, jest nadzieja, że to się zmieni pod Timem Cookiem.

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