Jeśli chcecie mnie wesprzeć to zapraszam do kupna mojego poradnika "Jakim jesteś Makiem?".

Pozłacane iPady na czas pobytu, w cenie pokoju →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 2 komentarze

Richard Devine:

Recently, the hotel installed Macs in each room at the all-suite hotel, in an effort to offer a „thoroughly modern guest experience.” Their latest trick; 24-carat gold iPads in every room.

The iPads come emblazoned with the hotel logo on the rear, and are offered to guests upon checkin as a ‚virtual concierge.’ They also offer up information on the hotel services, restaurant menus and the spa facilities. But, you don’t have to leave Dubai without your very own gold iPad, oh no.

Poproszę jednego. iMaka też, jeśli również jest pozłacany.

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