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Federighi, Ive i Schiller o tym jak powstał 3D Touch →

30 września 2015 · 09:37

Josh Tyrangiel:

Federighi picked up an iPhone 6S and explained one of 3D Touch’s simpler challenges: „It starts with the idea that, on a device this thin, you want to detect force. I mean, you think you want to detect force, but really what you’re trying to do is sense intent. You’re trying to read minds. And yet you have a user who might be using his thumb, his finger, might be emotional at the moment, might be walking, might be laying on the couch. These things don’t affect intent, but they do affect what a sensor [inside the phone] sees. So there are a huge number of technical hurdles. We have to do sensor fusion with accelerometers to cancel out gravity—but when you turn [the device] a different way, we have to subtract out gravity. … Your thumb can read differently to the touch sensor than your finger would. That difference is important to understanding how to interpret the force. And so we’re fusing both what the force sensor is giving us with what the touch sensor is giving us about the nature of your interaction. So down at even just the lowest level of hardware and algorithms—I mean, this is just one basic thing. And if you don’t get it right, none of it works.”


Wywiad z Jony Ivem na temat Apple Watch Hermes →

30 września 2015 · 09:30

Christina Passariello na łamach WSJ:

Apple Inc. is embracing a luxury name for its new $1,500 smartwatch with French fashion house Hermès. But Apple design chief Jonathan Ive resists the notion that Apple is becoming exclusive, a defining characteristic of luxury goods.

Różnica w tworzeniu Apple Watcha, a iPhone’a według Joniego Ive’a →

13 marca 2015 · 10:27

Financial Times:

As it makes a bid to enter the luxury market with the 18ct gold Apple Watch, the brand’s British design visionary, Jony Ive, gives a rare interview to Nick Foulkes.

Jony Ive w wywiadzie dla Nicka:

It was different with the phone – all of us working on the first iPhone were driven by an absolute disdain for the cellphones we were using at the time. That’s not the case here. We’re a group of people who love our watches. So we’re working on something, yet have a high regard for what currently exists.

To bardzo istotna różnica — iPhone’a stworzyli, bo chcieli mieć lepszy telefon niż to co oferował wtedy rynek. A jak stać kogoś na kupno jakiegokolwiek zegarka na świecie (Jony nosił dotychczas zegarek Jaeger-LeCoultre) i jednocześnie projektuje się Apple Watcha, to podejrzewam, że procedura i podejście znacząco się różni.

Zastanawia mnie tylko czy Joniemu udało się stworzyć coś, co będzie szczerze i chętnie zakładał codziennie i zawsze, zamiast swoich mechanicznych Jaegerów czy cokolwiek tam innego kryje w swojej kolekcji. Tego zapewne się nigdy nie dowiemy, bo niezależnie od jego myśli i tak będzie nosił AW. Krąży mi to po myślach, bo jak już wspominałem niejednokrotnie, absolutnie kocham swoje mechaniczne zegarki, a uczuć do Apple Watcha większych nie mam…

W każdym razie polecam przeczytać cały wywiad.

Wywiad z Jonym Ive w New Yorkerze →

16 lutego 2015 · 16:22

Ian Parker:

There were times, during the past two decades, when he considered leaving Apple, but he stayed, becoming an intimate friend of Steve Jobs and establishing the build and the finish of the iMac, the MacBook, the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad. He is now one of the two most powerful people in the world’s most valuable company.

Wywiad i profil Joniego Ive’a w Vogue →

2 października 2014 · 13:10

Robert Sullivan:

Feels nice, doesn’t it?” On my second visit to Cupertino, Ive has finally handed it over: the new Apple Watch. It is more watch than the computer geeks would ever have imagined, has more embedded software than in a Rolex wearer’s wildest dreams. When Ive shows it to me—weeks before the product’s exhaustive launch, hosted by new CEO Tim Cook—in a situation room that has us surrounded by guards, it feels like a matter of national security. Yet despite all the pressure, he really just wants you to touch it, to feel it, to experience it as a thing. And if you comment on, say, the weight of it, he nods. “Because it’s real materials,” he says proudly. Then he wants you to feel the connections, the magnets in the strap, the buckle, to witness the soft but solid snap, which he just loves as an interaction with design, a pure, tactile idea. “Isn’t that fantastic?”

Świetny artykuł, zawiera też wiele ciekawych informacji i profil Joniego. Przy okazji nabrałem jeszcze większej ochoty na Apple Watcha…

Ciekawy wywiad Joniego Ive’a →

20 marca 2014 · 14:32

John Arlidge:

Ive works in a design studio in a building on one corner of Apple’s campus at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino, the firm’s address. It looks like all the other dull, un-Apple-like glass and beige — yes, beige — concrete blocks. With one really big difference. The glass is opaque and no-one other than Ive, his core team and top Apple executives is allowed in. “The reason is, it’s the one place you can go and see everything we’re working on — all the designs, all the prototypes,” Ive says.

Apple odpowiada dlaczego Jony Ive zniknął ze strony

18 lutego 2014 · 09:00

Wczoraj Jony Ive zniknął ze strony Apple Leadership. To naturalnie miało swoje konsekwencje – mój Twitterowy timeline praktycznie pękał w szwach od domysłów dlaczego tak się stało. Przede wszystkim królowało przekonanie, iż wyleciał z firmy za iOS 7. W drugiej … Czytaj dalej

Jony is Obi-Wan. His team are Jedi whose nobility depends on the pursuit of greatness over profit, believing the latter will always follow the former, stubbornly passing up near-term good opportunities to pursue great ones in the distance.

Bono o Jony Ive dla Time