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Galaxy Note 10.1 – plastikowa skóra zamiast plastiku →

2 października 2013 · 08:44

Dann Berg:

Samsung has finally gotten over its addiction to slimy plastic bodies, instead giving the new Note 10.1 a faux-leather design that also graces the new Note 3.

To już któraś z rzędu osoba, która nazywa plastik Samsunga „slimy”, czyli oślizgły. No cóż, zamiast oślizgłości właściciele teraz będą otrzymywali totalne bezguście, również plastikowe.

Fantastic specs and all, the 10.1 still can’t keep up with the apparently extremely demanding TouchWiz interface. There were traces of stuttering when swiping between home screens — especially if I hadn’t used the device for a few minutes — and even swiping to unlock the device was slow sometimes. The worst offender was swiping up to open the magazine-style feed, which sometimes took a full second or so to respond to my gesture.


Nilay Patel o Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1

20 sierpnia 2012 · 13:41

Nilay Patel napisał recenzję Note’a 10.1 kilka dni temu: It’s handsome enough, but it unfortunately it’s all plastic all the way around — and you’ll feel it the instant you pick it up. Not only does the plastic back flex … Czytaj dalej