Rene Ritchie:
Much like 2012 when Leanna Lofte shot our iPod touch 5 vs. iPhone 5 camera tests things played out as expected. The iPod touch 6 is clearly better than the iPod touch 5, about the same as the iPad Air 2, and just behind the iPhone 6.
Jeśli chcecie mnie wesprzeć to zapraszam do kupna mojego poradnika "Jakim jesteś Makiem?".
21 lipca 2015 · 09:04 · Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 0 comments
Rene Ritchie:
Much like 2012 when Leanna Lofte shot our iPod touch 5 vs. iPhone 5 camera tests things played out as expected. The iPod touch 6 is clearly better than the iPod touch 5, about the same as the iPad Air 2, and just behind the iPhone 6.
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