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JMAP od FastMail →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 1 Comment


JMAP is FastMail’s protocol with the warts removed. We leverage existing standards like HTTP, JSON, and native push channels on platforms which have them – making it easy for developers to work with.

JMAP is friendly to mobile devices. By batching multiple commands in a single HTTP request, and having an efficient update mechanism, the radio works less, and battery life is increased. By using the platform push channels, JMAP avoids having to hold its own connection open.
JMAP is friendly to servers. A stateless protocol, there’s no need for the server to maintain a version of the mailbox view that’s out of sync with the current state, as IMAP does, just so that clients can use integer offsets to refer to messages.

JMAP is friendly to the network. Unlike IMAP which can send an unbounded number of unsolicited updates, in JMAP you explicitly ask for the fields you are interested in, and the update command can contain a limit — if there are too many changes, return an error and let the client load the view from scratch. If you’re not caching the entire mailbox locally, then re-fetching a few pages of index listing is better than getting 100,000 EXPUNGED lines down the wire.

JMAP is friendly to multiple clients. In IMAP, if you rename a folder or move messages, then the client which initiated the action can update their local cache, but every other client has to re-fetch everything – there is no unique message ID which follows the message. JMAP uses globally unique IDs for messages, so immutable data can be cached forever.

JMAP does everything. Instead of separate protocols with different syntax for sending email than for receiving it (and separate protocols again for contacts and calendars) JMAP combines them all under one protocol. Best of all, the push notification includes all tokens for each service, so you can synchronise changes to your entire mail account plus your contacts and your calendar in a single round trip — up to date immediately, the way it should be.

Problemem teraz będą firmy/osoby tworzące aplikacje do obsługi poczty – bardzo mocno kibicuję im, aby dodali wsparcie dla JMAP. Niech coś w tej kwestii się w końcu zmieni na lepsze.

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