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Niebezpieczne CarPlay i Siri →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 3 komentarze

Badanie AAA:

The study also separately assessed Apple’s Siri (version iOS 7) using insight obtained from Apple about Siri’s functionality at the time the research was conducted.  Researchers used the same metrics to measure a broader range of tasks including using social media, sending texts and updating calendars. The research uncovered that hands- and eyes-free use of Apple’s Siri generated a relatively high category 4 level of mental distraction.

To put all of this year’s findings in context, last year’s research revealed that listening to the radio rated as a category 1 distraction; talking on a hand-held or hands-free cell phone resulted in a category 2 distraction; and using an error-free speech-to-text system to listen to and compose emails or texts was a category 3 distraction.

CarPlay to zły pomysł. Nie powinno być w ogóle możliwości wysyłania SMSów, edytowania kalendarzy i tak dalej. Tylko odbieranie rozmów oraz nawigacja i muzyka.

A jeśli badania wykazują, że CarPlay zabiera nam więcej uwagi niż Mercedesowy COMMAND to znaczy, że ktoś w Apple czegoś nie rozumie.

Uaktualnione o linka do źródła – mea culpa.

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