Anand Lal Shimpi popełnił bardzo szczegółowe porównanie pomiędzy dwoma wersjami Airów:
Simplicity permeates Apple from design and software all the way down to the purchasing experience. The 2013 MacBook Air offers only two choices of CPUs, and honestly for the vast majority of the population, that’s all you really need. The default Core i5 1.3GHz (4250U) delivers the best overall battery life regardless of workload. Its performance is often somewhere in between a 2011 and 2012 MacBook Air depending on workload, although in some cases it’s possible to see equivalent performance to an upgraded 2012 MBA. If you need more performance however, the 1.7GHz Core i7 upgrade (4650U) delivers. In most situations you get more than a 20% increase in performance, bringing the platform up to somewhere in between last year’s 1.7GHz Core i5 and 2.0GHz Core i7 options. Once again, with the right workload you could even see performance as much as 20% better than a 2GHz Core i7 from last year.
Pytania przy wyborze modelu, które należy sobie zadać to czy używamy komputer do cięższych zadań, wymagających szybszego CPU1 oraz czy ważniejszy jest dla nas czas pracy na baterii czy nie. Powodzenia — sam już sobie odpowiedziałem.
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