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Klienci, których Apple nie potrzebuje →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 0 comments

Kate MacKenzie:

The first is the technorati elite who love the openness of Android OS as if it were a Linux PC that can be built from scratch.

The second group is comprised of market pundits and analysts who insist that Apple needs to have this product or that product or a lower price just to survive.

There’s a third segment of the population that simply echoes the same old tune. ‘Apple’s products are too expensive.’ And, for that crowd, they’re correct. As the Bible says, ‘Do not cast pearls before swine.’ That group simply doesn’t appreciate or need what Apple does.

Dobre i jakże prawdziwe podsumowanie. Kate jako przykład drugiej grupy podała netbooki – bez nich Apple padnie. Okazało się jednak, że to one padły. A tani iPhone? Idąc tym tokiem myślenia to najpierw skończą się tanie telefony …

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