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Steven Levy poznaje proces produkcyjny nowych iMaków i akcesoriów →

14 października 2015 · 12:53

Steven Levy:

Early this year, the top-secret laboratory where Apple designs its Macintosh accessories was bedeviled by a crisis on tiny feet. It had to do with the reinvented mouse the team was designing to accompany a new set of iMac computers that will be released today. The input device, dubbed the Magic Mouse 2, would look to users exactly like the previous model. But on the inside and underneath, everything would be different, mainly because Apple was switching to a rechargeable lithium battery instead of the previous replaceable alkaline ones.

Late in the process, everything seemed to be going fine. The internal lithium battery was custom-engineered to fit the cavity. The redesigned antenna — necessary to deal with the potential interference from an internal battery — was working well.

But one thing was totally unacceptable.

The mouse didn’t sound right.

Must read.

Steven Levy zwiedza Input Design Lab, w którym Apple
projektuje i testuje prototypy klawiatur, myszek i trackpadów →

14 października 2015 · 12:50

Steven Levy:

The nondescript building, just a quick hop down 280 from Apple’s Infinite Loop headquarters in Cupertino, houses a nerve center crucial to the fingers of everyone who uses a Macintosh. This is the Input Design Lab, where Apple designs and tests the prototypes for new keyboards, trackpads, and mouses. It’s stuffed with a treasure trove of precision machinery that would make geek hearts patter like a pneumatic drill. Until now, no reporter or press photographer has crossed the threshold. But to mark a new set of iMacs — and perhaps to help implement a spirit of more transparency in the previously locked-down corporation — Apple opened its doors (well, some of them) to Backchannel, and talked about its new iMacs and overall strategy.

Z artykuły dowiecie się sporo ciekawostek na temat procesu tworzenia najnowszych akcesoriów Apple.

Jason Snell o Magic Keyboard →

13 października 2015 · 16:22

Jason Snell:

The Magic Keyboard’s key travel is about 1mm, less than that on the old Apple keyboards. But typing on it feels much better than the MacBook’s keyboard did. It’s hard to explain typing feel in words, and people can have dramatically different tastes when it comes to keyboards. In general, I’d say I like it. It may well be better than the older model, but it’s definitely different. There’s less travel, but more key stability. The reduction in key travel didn’t bother me; in fact, when I went back to my Logitech keyboard, it felt really weird. I’m starting to think that either I need to switch to the Magic Keyboard or just go all the way back to a mechanical keyboard with insane amounts of travel and loud clicky noises.

Obawiam się, że dopóki nie zmienię mojego rMBP 13″ na model z nową klawiaturą, to nie ma sensu wymieniać mojego Apple Wireless Keyboard – obecnie przynajmniej mam bardzo zbliżone klawiatury, a tak będzie rozbieżność… A jedyny minus nowej klawiatury to strzałki – brak pustej przestrzeni utrudnia orientację co już doświadczyłem przy okazji MB 12″, a Jason to tylko potwierdza…

Ceny Magic Mouse 2, Magic Trackpad 2 i Magic Keyboard

13 października 2015 · 15:18

Nowe zabawki od Apple są już dostępne w Polsce do kupienia, a czas dostawy wynosi zaledwie od 1-3 dni. Dobrą wiadomością jest to, że w sklepie w przypadku klawiatury możemy wybrać układ międzynarodowy lub USA klawiszy.

Magic Trackpad 2, Magic Mouse 2 i Magic Keyboard w kodzie OS X →

8 października 2015 · 21:05

Jordan Kahn:

The updated products referenced in the OS X files include a “Magic Trackpad 2”, “Magic Mouse 2”, and “Magic Keyboard”. These hints at upcoming new versions of the accessories come just as Apple plans to launch a new 4K 21.5-inch iMac next week, as we first reported earlier this month.

Ciekawy jestem nowego trackpada i klawiatury. Mighty Mouse i Magic Mouse są tak tragiczne, że nie podejrzewam, aby kolejny gryzoń się do czegokolwiek nadawał. Jest szansa na debiut razem z nowym modelem iMaca 4K w przyszłym tygodniu.