James Kirkam w dniu skoku: When I woke up the morning of jump day, I called my wide and told her that I had a bad feeling.
Lasseter: Nadejdzie dzień gdzie film zostanie nakręcony iPhonem lub GoPro →
15 maja 2015 · 08:29
John Lasseter:
Approaching the 20th anniversary of seminal animated hit “Toy Story,” in November, Lasseter told an audience at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Tuesday that he sees a day when a winning full-length film will be produced by a filmmaker armed only with an iPhone or a GoPro.
“People will tell you, ‘That’s not going to work,’ but yeah, that’s going to work,” Lasseter said. “But the reason they say that is because it’s not what they are used to.”