Canon 6D vs. Nikon D600 →
19 września 2012 · 13:24
The elephant in the room, though, is the Nikon D600 – a camera that offers a higher spec in several key areas, with its 39-point AF system (including 9 cross-type), 100% viewfinder, 2016 pixel colour-sensitive metering, faster 5.5 fps shooting, dual card slots and excellent movie spec (including such things as clean HDMI output and a headphone socket for sound monitoring). In many areas the 6D just comes up slightly short in comparison, and the question is whether merely being highly competent will be enough to win the hearts and cash of buyers. This is further complicated by the fact that, in principle at least, you can buy (or at least order) a D600 today, whereas the 6D won’t be in the shops for some time yet.
Overall, though, it’s difficult to shake the feeling that the EOS 6D simply lacks the ‚wow’ factor of its main rival. Whereas Nikon seems to have taken the approach of taking away as little as possible from D800 when creating the D600, Canon appears almost to have gone the other way, removing as much as it thinks it can get away with at the price. The result is the kind of conservative, slightly unimaginative design that’s become the company’s hallmark. It’s still bound to be a very good camera, of course; just perhaps not quite as good as it could be.
O ile wbudowany geotagging strasznie mnie kręci, to fakt, że technicznie Canon znowu próbuje swoich marketingowych sztuczek powoduje, że nie zainteresowałbym się nim. D600 zdecydowanie wygrywa wizjerem oraz interfejsem obsługi.
Dla pytających: zostaję przy D700; nie widzę żadnego powodu, dla którego miałbym go zmieniać.