You’ve heard that old saying attributed to Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”? With web apps, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result.
Archiwa Tagu: cytat
The iPod touch, after 8 years and 112 million units sold, has never had a competitor.
BIG NEWS!! All versions of Flash are blocked by default in Firefox as of now.
Angela Ahrendts: „Ej, weźcie sobie kupcie normalnie online, nie wystawajcie pod sklepami…”
Sadownicy: „PIERDOL SIĘ!”
Without collaboration, you get a Windows product. There’s a company that pumps out an operating system, another that does some hardware, and yet another that does something else. That’s what’s now happening in Android land. Put it all together and it doesn’t score high on the user experience.
Beat the Mac’s experience, not its numbers.
But you can’t take the internet away from the people. The internet doesn’t belong to Comcast or AT&T or Verizon or your local carrier or anyone else. The internet is us — it is the people who live and breathe and love and fight on it every day. The internet is the backbone of the economy. It is the foundation of the new (and old) media. It is home to hobbies and clubs and fools and dreamers alike; a million potential billionaires launching apps into the void. The internet is a basic, simple part of American life in 2015. It is freedom, and we deserve to be heard when our freedoms are under attack.
Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
22 grudnia 2014 · 21:08
Z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, Życzę Wam zdrowia i rodzinnego spokoju, tyle iPhone’ów i iPadów do rozwieszenia, żeby starczyło od salonu do przedpokoju. Bawcie się przednie, kochajcie rodzinę, Nie bijcie się ani nie przejadajcie. Zróbcie spacer, chociażby na godzinę, a potem … Czytaj dalej
(…) może by tak Apple wzięło się za produkcję sprzętu AGD. Mogliby zacząć od odkurzaczy… A może lepiej nie, bo jak znam życie, wkrótce okazałoby się, że iHoover będzie jedynym sprzętem Apple, który nie ssie…
I pledge my allegiance to iMac Nation. Long may its millions of pixels reign.
Tworzymy dla ludzi, którzy rozróżniają content od lolcontentu.
Jaka panika z tymi telefonami! Kiedyś stało się w kolejce za lodówką, z tą różnicą, że nikt nie pytał o to jaki ma być kolor ani pojemność. Bo był jeden model. Za papierem toaletowym zresztą też.
Iwona Pietrusiewicz po przeczytaniu poniższego artykułu
I don’t want a 5.5-inch phone, but I don’t want to feel like a second-class citizen because of my size preference.
Apple’s wearable will be as much a fitness tracker as the iPhone turned out to be a widescreen iPod.
When we were kids, almost nobody was on the internet. No matter how bad you had it in school, socially, you could go home every afternoon and have a break from it for the rest of the day. Today, everyone’s on social networks and nobody ever gets a break. Kids can get harassed in school all day, go home, and continue to get harassed by the same people online all night.
Jak 9/9/14 bedą nowe iPody to stawiam piwo wszytkim którzy przyjdą na iMagazine’ówą imprezę do Miejsce Chwila.
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This is your chance to create a record of something that has changed so many lives.
We put iTunes on Windows in order to sell more iPods. But I don’t see an advantage of putting our music app on Android, except to make Android users happy. And I don’t want to make Android users happy.
LG przykryło wtedy [w modelu G2, przyp. red.] Androida nakładką, która spokojnie mogłaby konkurować z Fiatem Multiplą o miano najbrzydszego tworu w historii świata.
As you probably know from following us for a long time, we didn’t ship the first MP3 player, nor the first smartphone, nor the first tablet. In fact, there were tablets being shipped a decade or so before then, but arguably we shipped the first successful modern tablet, the first successful modern smartphone, and the first successful modern MP3 player. And so it means much more to us to get it right, than to be first.
Tim Cook podczas prezentacji wyników finansowych
It took genius to conceive and create the original iPhone. But once it was revealed — and especially once it hit the market — anyone with a lick of sense could see that this was how all such devices should work. If Google had stuck to its original design for Android, it wouldn’t have succeeded in a post-iPhone world — it would have been Windows Mobile without the existing market share.
At what point do the NSA’s actions qualify as treason?
Reeder 2 for Mac public beta this week.
Something legitimate could be a work in progress. Ugly ≠ fake. Should know by now I wouldn’t confirm something unless I am certain.
Details matter, it’s worth waiting to get it right.
There is a super-important role [for the Mac] that will always be. We don’t see an end to that role. There’s a role for the Mac as far as our eye can see. A role in conjunction with smartphones and tablets, that allows you to make the choice of what you want to use. Our view is, the Mac keeps going forever, because the differences it brings are really valuable.
The Mac Pro ships with black Apple logo stickers.
The 64-bit Apple chip hit us in the gut.
(Jawbone) UP24 will be available internationally in early 2014!