Steve Wozniak w wywiadzie z Joanne Gray:
I haven’t bought an Apple watch. I haven’t ordered one. I want to use it and see if that simplification affects my life.
Ciekawe co miał na myśli, bo to zdanie wydaje się być wyrwane z kontekstu – nie kupił, ale chce przetestować? To czemu nie kupił?
But I have some misgivings too, because I’ve had some smartwatches and they didn’t change my smartphone life. You know, I had them and I wore them and I got rid of them. It just didn’t have enough of a ‚give me something new I didn’t have before’, and I’m worried about that.
If you buy the gold one for $17,000, you’re getting your money’s worth. It’s like the gold Rolex. You’re buying $17,000 worth of prestige.
But the other ones, there are 20 models from $500 up to $1100 and the only difference is the band. So I’m wondering if Apple’s selling watches or bands.
It doesn’t seem like the company we started and that moved the world forward.
I was first in line for every iPhone that came out, every iPad that came out, these were important products to me. I just wanted to have the newest, latest, and try it out and use it for some advantages but it just didn’t grab me that much for the watch.
Nie da się ukryć, że ma w tym trochę racji i wyraźnie widać tutaj wpływ oraz osobiste cele Jony Ive’a. Z drugiej strony, iPody od dawna są kolorowe – aby każdy mógł sobie dobrać go do swojego stylu.
via @kaefpe