Josh Lowensohn:
The hardware is a top-heavy, a rubberized bracelet loaded with sensors that snaps on with a row of interlocking plugs, kind of like an old kid’s watch. On the bottom side of the watch is a pulse oximeter and a temperature sensor that can monitor what’s going on with your body by taking readings off the skin. Inside is an accelerometer, Bluetooth antenna, and a battery that’s rated for three days of use. All of this is wrapped in dull, waterproof polyurethane. When you’re sweating a lot, this material doesn’t breathe well, but it also means you can take it into the shower or put it under a sink to clean it off. The shoe clip is basically just a Bluetooth accelerometer with an external temperature sensor.
Both gadgets charge and sync wirelessly, so there are no plugs anywhere. Like other fitness bands, you pair it to your phone right from the app, which also shows your workout progress when you’re done.
W odróżnieniu od tych obecnych na rynku jak chociażby Jawbone UP24 czy Garmin Vivofit, Amiigo będzie potrafiło rozpoznawać jakie ćwiczeniu wykonujemy na siłowni i zliczać powtórzenia. Przyszłość w tym segmencie może być bardzo ciekawa.
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