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Microsoft rzekomo pracuje nad zegarko-opaską →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 0 comments

Paul Thurrott:

My sources tell me instead that Microsoft will this fall release a Samsung Gear Fit-like fitness band that will display smart phone-based notifications, just like the current and rumored watches and other wearables. So that’s the first bit of rumor busting: It’s a wristband, not a watch. (Yes, I’m sure you’ll be able to see the time on its screen. But the form factor is a wristband.

From a differentiation standpoint, Microsoft’s wearable will do something that no other wearable platform does. It will work with everything and not just the device maker’s smart phone platform. Where Samsung wearables only work with Samsung phones, Android Wear devices only work with modern Android devices, and Apple’s rumored iWatch will obviously only work with iPhone, Microsoft will take a different approach. It will work with Android, iPhone and Windows Phone.

Nikt nie chce przegapić rynku wearables, ale pytaniem ważniejszym jest to, kto jako pierwszy rozwiąże tym jakiś problem dla ludzi.

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