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Jak developerzy powinni prawidłowo używać Background Fetch w iOS →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 1 Comment

David Smith:

My first example of this was when I added Background Fetch to Check the Weather. A weather app’s primary function is displaying up-to-the-minute, constantly changing data so in my initial iOS 7 update I experimented with adding highly frequent background updates. The result was far more dramatic than I’d expected. Here are my weather API requests (which cost 0.01¢ per request) per day once the update went live. I saw an immediate jump in traffic, roughly 16x normal. Suffice to say I immediately had to scale back on my requested update frequency.

Prawda jest taka, że na obecną chwilę Background Fetch jest nadużywany przez developerów w wielu przypadkach, co prowadzi do niepotrzebnego pobierania danych i zbędnego zużywania energii. David w swoim wpisie udziela kilka świetnych porad.

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