Zapraszam do przejrzenia wybranych przeze mnie fragmentów recenzji iPhone’a 5C, które pojawił się dzisiaj w internetach. Po pełny obrazek oczywiście zerknijcie pod poszczególne linki, ale już zdradzam, że zdania są bardzo pozytywne.
Myriam Joire na łamach Engadget →
We’re not going to lie. The iPhone 5c is gorgeous — we’d even argue that it’s the most beautiful iPhone since the 4 and 4s. It instantly makes the iPhone 5 and 5s look staid in comparison. Sure, we prefer materials like aluminum and glass over plastic, and we appreciate the intricate craftsmanship that goes into building the iPhone 5 and 5s, but still, we can’t help it — the 5c just triggers some reptilian part of our brains that screams, „OMG, color!” It brings a breath of fresh air to the iPhone lineup and will appeal to consumers at an emotional level.
Powiem Wam, że o ile plastik mnie nie przekonuje, o tyle kolory bardzo. Szkoda, że nie ma wersji (Product) RED.
While some of Nokia’s aforementioned models also feature a glossy coating, the surface of the 5c is even smoother — like enamel. This, combined with an extremely rigid structure, makes the 5c feel like a solid block of ceramic.
The iPhone 5c shares its internals with the iPhone 5, so it comes as no surprise that Apple’s colorful new handset feels just as fast as its predecessor. In short, everything’s smooth and responsive.
Tak jak powinno być.
Well, after using iOS 7 for a few days, it’s hard to imagine going back to iOS 6.
In iOS 7, which comes pre-loaded on the 5c and the 5s, skeuomorphism is out (finally!) and flat is in, but unlike Windows Phone and other flat UIs, iOS 7 restores some depth with layers, translucency and even parallax. It looks amazing, especially on the colorful iPhone 5c, and shows what’s possible when hardware and software are designed as one.
Byłem ciekawy zdania innych na temat iOS 7 – podoba im się i nie wyobrażają sobie powrotu do iOS 6. Trochę zaskakujące, ale ja też tego sobie nie wyobrażam, pomimo że wiele jego elementów nadal mi przeszkadza.
It’s easy to be cynical and dismiss this handset as just an iPhone 5 in a colorful plastic shell, but that’s missing the point. There’s no doubt that the 5c looks gorgeous and feels wonderful in hand. It inherits tried-and-true features from the iPhone 5 and also gains a few new ones, like the improved 1.2MP front-facing camera. Still, that’s only half the story. It’s iOS 7 that truly sets the 5c (and the iPhone 5s) apart, thanks to a delightful redesign and a dash of new functionality. With the 5c, Apple achieves an unprecedented level of synergy between hardware and software. Like many of the company’s other products, you have to experience the 5c in person to truly appreciate it.
To jest ogromny plus Apple – pełna kontrola na hardwarem i softwarem, i widać efekty w takich produktach jak 5C.
Jim Dalrymple →
I was pleasantly surprised with how tough it was. There is absolutely no give to this phone at all. It doesn’t bend or buckle anywhere in the casing, which is what you want, obviously. It feels as solid as the 5s.
The iPhone 5c doesn’t actually feel like plastic. It’s strange when you first pick it up, but it almost feels like ceramic or a similar material that is glossy and hard.
Potwierdzenie słów Myriam.
Anand Lal Shimpi →
The rubber surface is grippy and the inside of the case is made of a microfiber-like material to prevent scratching. I’ve found that the holes on the back of the case do let dirt in between the case and the phone unfortunately.
Skoro case do iPhone’a 5C rysuje go, pomimo, że ma wnętrze z mikrofibry, to podejrzewam, że to samo będzie działo się z case’ami do 5S. Wycofuję się z planów jego kupna.
Since the 5c’s back is built from a polycarbonate material, it’s much easier to deliver smoothly rounded corners and edges. The result is a device that feels great in hand. I’d actually argue that other than the added weight, the 5c maybe even feels better in hand than the iPhone 5/5s.
Ech… Jak żyć. Wszyscy chwalą. Plastik. Iść za tłumem?
Apple seems to multi-source the panel as the quality of the one in my 5c review sample was the best iPhone Retina Display I’ve ever tested. The 5c’s display is incredibly bright, has the best color reproduction of any other phone we’ve tested and has more than enough contrast.
Panele świetne, pomimo że nie IGZO, ale są drobne różnice pomiędzy panelami – zależnie od dostawcy dostaniemy minimalnie gorszy lub lepszy. Podejrzewam, że nikt nie zauważy różnicy, tym bardziej, że ten ekran jest już na rynku od ponad roku i niewątpliwie został dopracowany.
In practice, the 5c has virtually no noticeable chassis flex.
Nie trzeszczy. To dobry znak.
Scott Stein →
It doesn’t feel like cheap plastic, though; the smooth, shiny polycarbonate shell around the back feels like a candy lacquer coating. It’s a dense device, heavier than the iPhone 5 by nearly an ounce, but it has a comfortable feel — maybe even better than the more hard-angled metal iPhone 5/5S.
Znowu pozytywne wrażenia.
Apple’s iPhone 5 Retina Display remains one of the brightest and most color-accurate displays CNET’s tested.
Pomimo, że wiele serwisów potwierdza ten fakt liczbami, wielu użytkowników uważa, że jest słaby. Haterzy, słowo daję.
Lauren Goode →
I’ve been using the new iPhone 5c for the past five days and it’s a solid premium phone.
Ja zaliczałem go do klasy wyższej średniej? Myliłem się?
While the 5c isn’t as refined-looking as the iPhone 5 or the new 5s, it isn’t a tacky plastic phone, either. I’ve tested plastic phones before, including the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the new Moto X from Motorola, and this phone feels more solid in the hand.
To, że jest lepszy od Galaxy S4 to mnie akurat nie dziwi, ale od Moto X? Zaskakujące.
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