Andrew Kim o iOS 7:
I (still) think iOS7 is ugly. No matter how many articles, justifications, and arguments I get sent about iOS’s new beauty, I just don’t see it. It looks childish, cheap and poorly executed. Am I saying that I prefer skeuomorphic design over flat? No. But I am saying that I prefer good execution over poor, and I don’t think it’s well executed yet.
It takes visual cues from Android and philosophies from Windows Phone to simply skin the iOS we’re used to. Apple should be leading the industry with iOS but they’ve somehow ended up imitating everyone.
It really looks like an aftermarket skin for iOS. I’m trying very hard to like it but I simply can’t. It’s brittle, confused, poorly proportioned and has unbelievably poor legibility.
Apple’s very proud of creating depth through use of frosted glass. I think this also looks terrible. I like it in theory – it profoundly affects the interface visually as you navigate through different content. The truth is that you’re left to look at blotchy pools of colors. It’s weird.
W niektórych kwestiach się z nim zgadzam, w innych nie. Jedno mi przychodzi jednak do głowy, patrząc po reakcjach na iOS 7 – jest jak pierwsze BMW serii 5, które wyszło spod ręki Chrisa Bangle’a. Do dzisiaj mi się nie podoba niestety, ale z czasem przyzwyczaiłem się do niego. Inni z kolei zakochali się w jego designie od samego początku. Love or hate.
The 5S is feels crisp, precise, and jewel-like. Both of these have world-class designs and build quality, but the iPhone is at an unparalleled, deity status when it comes to execution. Apple spends more money than anyone on perfecting hardware, and it shows.
Andrew za to nie oszczędza pozytywnych słów jeśli chodzi o hardware – wywyższa go znacznie bardziej niż ja sam.
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