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Wyniki finansowe Adobe za Q2 2013 →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 0 comments

Second Quarter Financial Highlights

  • Adobe® achieved revenue of $1.011 billion, within its targeted range of $975 million to $1.025 billion.
  • Diluted earnings per share were $0.15 on a GAAP-basis, and $0.36 on a non-GAAP basis.
  • Operating income was $111.3 million and net income was $76.5 million on a GAAP basis. Operating income was $247.3 million and net income was $182.9 million on a non-GAAP basis.
  • Adobe ended Q2 with 700 thousand paid Creative CloudTM subscriptions, an increase of 221 thousand when compared to the number of subscriptions as of the end of Q1 fiscal year 2013.
  • Adobe Marketing Cloud quarterly revenue was $229.6 million, with bookings growth of greater than 25 percent.

Proszę zwróćcie uwagę na dwie rzeczy: wzrost ilości subskrybentów o 221 tys (do 700 tys.), względem końcówki Q1 2013 oraz bardzo atrakcyjnym dochodem. Więcej informacji pod linkiem w tytule, jak tylko Adobe uaktualni listę dokumentów na stronie.

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