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MacBook Air mid 2013 — 13 godzin i 29 minut →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 2 komentarze

Nilay Patel:

13 hours and 29 minutes. That’s all you really need to know — that’s how long the new MacBook Air running Safari lasted running The Verge Battery Test, which cycles through a series of websites and images at 65 percent brightness. Run time in Chrome was shorter, at 11 hours and 29 minutes, but both are still ridiculously impressive. In fact, it’s the record for a laptop running our test without an external battery.

Obecnie mam chrapkę na 11,6″ z Core i7 i 8GB RAM. Jak wytrzymałby 8 godzin to byłbym przeszczęśliwy.

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