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Rozstanie z Surface →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 1 Comment

James Kendrick:

Why does the Surface frustrate me every time I use it? The lack of good apps plays a big role. I have bought too many apps in the hope that one of them will be the one that turns things around, but to no avail. Even the apps that I end up using regularly aren’t as good as the apps I use on every other mobile platform. They lack features, waste screen space, and most importantly they insist on grabbing my attention when all I want to do is get things done.

That even applies to the Internet Explorer browser in the Metro interface. There’s something about it that has it taking my focus away from whatever I’m doing. It’s a touch on the screen that doesn’t register as it should or one that causes the accursed charms bar to fly out unintended.

To są rzeczy, które i mnie frustrują. W dzisiejszych czasach i w moim wieku, gdzie każda minuta przelatuje trzy razy szybciej niż 15 lat temu, oczekuję od komputera, że będzie po prostu działał, a nie przeszkadzał mi w wykonywaniu pracy.

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