Eric Schmidt o aktywacjach Androida na poziomie 1.3 miliona dziennie:
Do the math.
All right, Mr. Schmidt. I’ll do the math. Activations are only part of the equation. The numbers that you keep conveniently not telling us are margins, revenues and profits. Activations without those numbers are meaningless. Market share without those numbers are meaningless. You want us to do the math, Mr. Schmidt? Your numbers – without context – are mathematically meaningless.
Now I have no doubt that Android has margins, has revenues, has profits. I have no doubt that Android is making money. What I SERIOUSLY doubt is just how much money Android is making. You want us to take you seriously, Mr. Schmidt? Tell us those numbers.
Google dostarcza Androida dla ludzi, ale zarabia na nich grosze w porównaniu z ich pozostałymi działami. Apple za to zgarnia 77%1 zysków. Ciekawe, której firmy akcjonariusze są bardziej zadowoleni.
- Q2 2012. ↩
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