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Sprawdzanie ekranu iPhone 5 za pomocą spektroradiometru →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 4 komentarze

Jeff Yurek:

Using these standards as the goal posts, we measured the iPhone 5 at 70% of NTSC 1953 in CIE 1931, a 39% increase from the iPhone 4S, which measured at 50%. That’s 5% less of an improvement than Apple’s 44% claim and just 99% of sRGB (measured against the sRGB primaries).

iPhone 5 potrafi wyświetlić 99% sRGB. Poprawa w stosunku do poprzednika wynosi 39%, ciut mniej niż reklamowane 44% przez Apple. Close enough.

Zdjęcie: Dot Color

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