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Proszę Państwa – oto Kindle Paperwhite →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 2 komentarze

Joshua Topolsky:

The Paperwhite is thinner than its touchscreen predecessor (the Kindle Touch), and the display is less sunken into the plastic surrounding (…)

The device is incredibly comfortable in hand (…)

The device also has less storage than the Touch, reduced from 4GB to 2GB (…)

As with previous models, the Paperwhite utilizes an E Ink screen, but the difference here is that the entire display is front lit with a soft, blue light that can be dimmed using onscreen controls. This screen is also higher resolution than previous models, making images and text crisper and clearer.

The Paperwhite is an excellent reader, probably the best I’ve used.

To będzie następny model do naszej domowej kolekcji – dopisany już do wishlist. Mamy obecnie w domu model 4 Classic, ale jednak potrzebujemy dwie sztuki, a podświetlenie ułatwi nam czytanie wieczorami, w łóżku.

Zdjęcie i źródło: The Verge

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