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Desktopowy Echofon kolejną ofiarą nowego API Twittera →

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 2 komentarze

Kazuho Okul:

Beginning this Fall, we will begin phasing out our Echofon desktop products (Mac, Windows, Firefox) in order to focus more on our mobile line of Echofon apps. The current versions of each of our desktop products will continue to function normally in the immediate future for those users who already have them installed. Availability of the apps in various markets will be discontinued soon and support for those apps will end next month as there are no planned updates. We do thank you for using Echofon and while we are sorry we won’t be able to continue providing a great Twitter experience on your desktop, we are committed to providing our users with an even better mobile experience.

A to tylko początek, spowodowany wprowadzeniem przez Twittera ograniczonej liczby tokenów dla developerów.

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