Matt Gemmell:
I recently released a new little Mac app, Sticky Notifications. It’s not currently in the App Store, and accordingly I went through a process that many Mac developers face: deciding whether to release software on the App Store, or outside of it (or indeed both).
In this article, I’ll talk about the pros and cons of each approach, and how I went about providing all the things we take for granted on the App Store (and pay for with its 30% fee), in an app I released outside of it. This piece is focused squarely on developers who want concrete and specific suggestions as to functionality, services and providers, and appropriate reusable components.
Genialny artykuł dla developerów, którzy zastanawiają się czy publikować swoje aplikacje w App Store/Mac App Store czy też samodzielnie poza nim. Matt wypunktował plusy i minusy oraz argumentuje co i dlaczego może być lepsze dla kogoś, zależnie od potrzeb. Must read.
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