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Windows 8 — mylące jak diabli

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 3 komentarze

Win8 - Start Menu

Mattew Baxter-Reynolds:

Since installing, I’ve learnt to regard Windows 8 as being two operating systems. One part I’ve been thinking of as Windows 7.1. The „classic desktop” bits of Windows 8 is just Windows 7, minus the Start orb, with a new theme to replace Aero (…)

Trying to deal with Windows when your driving results in it flipping between classic Windows and Metro-style app is like having someone sneak up behind you and flick you on the ear when you’re least expecting it. This massive context switching of „YOU’RE IN WINDOWS WAIT NO NO YOU’RE NOT!” creates an appalling user experience (…)

What we have then is a line item in Microsoft’s product catalogue called Windows 8 that’s either a hybrid of Windows 7.1 and an as-yet-unnamed operating system, or a bastardisation of both those things. Whatever the non-Windows 7.1 bits of Windows 8 are, it’s sure as hell not Windows. At present, I’m not sure which word is fair. „Hybrid” implies a thought-through combination of the best of features from Column A and from Column B. „Bastardisation” implies a slapping together of mismatched features to achieve a level of supreme clunkiness.

Nie wszystko złoto co się świeci — przynajmniej na dzień dzisiejszy. Microsoft ma przed sobą jeszcze kilka miesięcy, aby wyprostować całość …

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