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Re: I Forgot How Bad The iPhone Is

· Wojtek Pietrusiewicz · 6 komentarzy

Michael Arrington zapomniał jak tragiczny jest iPhone. Temat bardzo mocno nawiązuje do mojego wpisu iPhone zrywa połączenia.

Odpowiedź moja po angielsku, a nóż widelec przeczyta.

And so I bought an iPhone 4 a couple of weeks ago to try it out (…)

And wow, I forgot just how bad the iPhone is at calls (…)

Nearly every call I’ve had has ended by it being dropped. It doesn’t matter how many bars I have, calls are dropped. Yesterday I had a five part conversation that ended every few minutes.

I’m not so sure that long time iPhone users even remember what it’s like to have a phone call that doesn’t drop at the end.

First of all, the world has many more countries and, more importantly, carriers than USA and AT&T. I personally own an iPhone 4 since day 1 and have yet to experience the frustration of dropped calls. I’ve also owned the original iPhone and 3GS. Yes, I may have had dropped calls over the past few years, but these things happen rarely and mostly in elevators, tunnels and so forth. By putting the full blame on the phone itself you are completely omitting the fact that this might have something to do with your carrier. Poland’s Orange has similar problems, though less frequent. My carrier, on the other hand, (PlusGSM) has provided stellar service (at absurd prices) so far. Oh and by the way, I’ve had a little experience with AT&T while travelling in USA and the service was simply abysmal.

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